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Копия "Копия "Remote application""

Копия "Копия "Remote application""

If you live in city/areas in this list you can participate in the any program remotely. It is safe and accesable ( there is no registration fee, which makes program $200 less the original price) .

Below are a few simple things to do to become a participant of the Work and Travel USA program.

1. Review the terms of the program.

2. Choose program option: Self-Arranged (you already have employer ), or Full Service (employer will be provided by program sponsor).

3. Sign electronic version of agreement (PDF, 325,8 КБ). The contract is long and rather boring. :-)). But you definitely need to read it before signing, and print a copy and keep it for yourself. All questions on the contract can be asked online (chat window at the bottom right), or by e-mail If there are no questions, then put a tick in the box “I agree with the terms of the contract” and click “Send”.

4. After you sign the electronic version of agreement, we will contact you for a short Skype interview. During the interview you can ask questions that interest you.

5. Pay the entry fee of $335 by bank transfer. You need to pay within 3 days after signing the contract. Confirmation of payment should be sent to You should write in the subject line: Transfer copy and your name and surname.

6. Register on the site (this is a social network exchange! for program participants) and fill out the application form to participate in Work and Travel program.

7. And —follow the registration procedure for the Work and Travel USA program.

Заявка на дистанционное оформление

Допустимый формат:
Улица, дом, квартира, город, индекс, страна
Полное наименование

Knowledge and experience exchange

Peope who have already studied and worked abroad are happy to share their impressions and provide useful information on IEC pages in social networks.

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Gold mine of knowledge

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Talk to us!

We have participated in exchange programs and will share with you our own experience and expertise and help you choose the right program.