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Since 1989.

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About the country

A huge number of beaches with clear water, the magnificent Amazonian rainforests, an incredibly interesting culture, all this is Brazil. It is also a developed industrial country that can compete in world markets in areas such as computer science, biotechnology and automotive. No wonder the motto of Brazil sounds like this: "Order and progress."

Representatives of different nations live in Brazil, which makes this country more open and tolerant towards other nations. A characteristic feature of the Brazilians is also the desire to always be the first, always win. Tourists often say that the residents are optimistic and very adventurous. And according to the International Happiness Index, Brazilians are traditionally among the top ten happiest countries in the world. Probably worth a trip, look, and something to learn from them...

What others are saying?

Internship in Brazil is one of the best experiences in my life. I have visited many countries of the world, but nowhere have I met such kind and happy people as in Brazil. I visited the Iguassu Falls, the city of Sao Paulo, going to Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. I worked for an internet company and acquired many useful skills.

Marcel, Spain

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